Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau (CJIB) Selects TIBCO

PALO ALTO, CA — (Marketwire) — 10/24/11 — TIBCO Software Inc. (NASDAQ: TIBX) today announced that the Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau (CJIB), the central fine collection agency of The Netherlands, has selected TIBCO to help make the collection of fines more efficient and pave the way for CJIB-s expansion into other government services and collections.

As part of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, the CJIB collects fines for traffic offenses, financial penalties imposed by courts, and out-of-court settlements. The CJIB employs 1,100 people.

Because the Dutch government is centralizing several key functions in an effort to become more efficient, the Bureau expects to be assigned more duties. These future requirements will demand a robust and scalable infrastructure that also works seamlessly with legacy systems, both in the Bureau and in other parts of the Dutch government.

CJIB chose TIBCO for its high standard of support for heterogeneous environments, its exceptional performance, and its ease of use. Because it takes so little time to train on a TIBCO system, CJIB can keep its dependency on third parties to a minimum.

For its new enterprise service bus, CJIB will replace the Oracle Advanced Queuing mechanism with several TIBCO products, including:

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks

TIBCO Enterprise Message Service


TIBCO will implement systems to meet several critical needs, including:

TIBCO showed it can provide state-of-the-art integration with CJIB-s legacy systems that use Oracle Advanced Queuing.

TIBCO systems will be able to integrate the CJIB-s operations with many other departments of the Dutch government.

One of TIBCO-s strengths lies in its ability to integrate between applications, and to keep systems running even when one system fails.

CJIB anticipates growing in the near future, as more government collection responsibilities fall on its desk, and its software system needs to be able to grow with it. TIBCO has a demonstrated ability to run very large systems.

Because of the pressure for the government to cut costs, including the hiring of outside employees, CJIB wanted the ability to run the systems itself, rather than depend on the supplier. Because of TIBCO-s easy-to-use interface, this requirement was easily met.

“One of the many advantages of the TIBCO solution is its relatively simple operational management,” said Jan van Dijk, CIO of the CJIB. “We also place a high demand on support for heterogeneous environments, performance and complexity. On every count, TIBCO came through.”

“Increasing operational efficiency is among the top priorities for leading organizations,” said Murat Sonmez, Executive Vice President, Field Operations, TIBCO. “Working closely with CJIB we were able to demonstrate the technical superiority of our products, the commitment of our people, and the flexibility of our organization. We are honored that CJIB selected TIBCO as their partner.”

TIBCO Software Inc. (NASDAQ: TIBX) is a provider of infrastructure software for companies to use on-premise or as part of cloud computing environments. Whether it-s efficient claims or trade processing, cross-selling products based on real-time customer behavior, or averting a crisis before it happens, TIBCO provides companies the two-second advantage — the ability to capture the right information, at the right time, and act on it preemptively for a competitive advantage. More than 4,000 customers worldwide rely on TIBCO to manage information, decisions, processes, and applications in real time. Learn more at .

TIBCO, two-second advantage, TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks, TIBCO Enterprise Message Service, TIBCO Hawk, and TIBCO Software are trademarks or registered trademarks of TIBCO Software Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other product and company names and marks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners and are mentioned for identification purposes only.

Tiffany Anderson
TIBCO Software Inc.
(650) 846 8737

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