New Configuration Tool for CANopen

The CANopen ConfigurationStudio 1.6 simplifies the configuration of PDO messages within the “Visual Object Linker” significantly. PDO configuration is performed by simple drag & drop operations, so even users without an in-depth knowledge of fundamental CANopen mechanisms can operate the tool.

Further enhancements include a complete redesign of the “CANopen Device Configurator” plug-in that enables the extensive configuration of CANopen Manager devices according to CiA 302.
In addition, the configuration of node guarding and error behavior was simplified and a new front-end for LSS Master services was implemented.

To access the CANopen bus an IXXAT CAN interface with VCI 3.1 driver installed is necessary. The CANopen ConfigurationStudio can be used on systems running Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP (32 and 64 bit) as well as Windows Vista (32 and 64 bit).

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