PCVITA team Shared Condolence on Steve Jobs Departure

India, October 7, 2011- One more chapter in the epic of history had come to an end, when the Apple current chairman and former CEO Steven Paul Jobs expired giving a shocking news to the whole tech lovers in the world. He was considered among the 21st century geek, who ranked his position among those of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Alva Edison. In the press release made to show and share the condolence to Steve Jobs, PCVITA team said they believe that the death of Steve Jobs has created one irreplaceable gap in the world of innovated technologies.
Read More: http://www.pcvita.com/steve-jobs-innovation.html
Deeply Saddened, PCVITA Director, D.Pramanik, was quoted as saying, “We were one among the many companies in the world, who directly or indirectly get motivated by the ideas or innovations put forth by Steve Jobs, like genius. Apple was his dream come true project which he had pulled to the top of the technology tomorrow creators. The Silicon Valley icon always dream for change and development in technology front and can be considered as the one who transformed computers a geeky hobbyist’s property to equipment that is one necessity of modern man. We the whole team of PCVITA, share the grief and condolence with the Apple corporate family and all the tech lovers in the world.”
S.Pratap was in lack of words to explain the loss that the technology world faces with the departure of Jobs, “The technology era can be now divided into two as before Steve and After Steve, because his contribution stays ahead with any others in this 21st century that make man’s life immeasurably convenient and sophisticated with handy technologies. His first interest was computers and then was software, so PCVITA consider him as pioneer designer in the software arena and looks new ways to innovate product by getting light from the ideas he left behind.”
Steve Jobs departure will create a gap for sure in the industry, but we have to move with the truth that nothing is permanent in this world and change is mandatory for the life to be progressed. Still Steve Jobs, departure is one most valuable happening in the computer corporate world.

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