Skanz Goes to Extreme Heights to Recast Emerging Bar Code Technology as Consumer Socialprint(TM)

NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwire) — 10/06/11 — Although the use of QR codes by marketers is growing rapidly, studies have shown that consumer awareness remains low. Skanz, a new social networking platform, aims to change that by recasting QR codes as something millions of consumers spend billions of hours cultivating, caring for and sharing every day — their favorite social media and personal contact information, now conveniently stored in their own unique Socialprint.

Yesterday, Skanz released a time-lapse video of the creation of the largest QR code in the world . The video begins at Wall Stadium Speedway on the Jersey Shore, where family and friends of Skanz cofounders are shown painting the approximately 10,000-square-foot QR code with 80 gallons of black and white paint. To showcase the true magnitude of the event, skydivers two miles up are seen parachuting above the highly visible and scanable QR code, and viewers are invited to “Skan the largest QR code ever!”

What is behind the QR code? By using their own smartphones and a QR reader app, viewers can scan the largest QR code and instantly be entered into a “Skan to Win” contest. In a random drawing, one lucky winner will receive two tickets to the biggest concert tour of the year — the Watch The Throne: JAY-Z & Kanye West tour, including round-trip transportation to the show of their choice. The contest ends on Saturday, Oct. 15, and the winner will be announced on Monday, Oct. 17, on Skanz-s Twitter feed and Facebook page.

“We started with a simple premise: create an interactive video to recast QR codes as Socialprints — and then we added some drama and excitement,” said Tammy Lewis, CMO of Skanz and QR Media Group. “Ultimately, we wanted a viral way to build consumer awareness and demonstrate the value and usefulness of QR codes, or Socialprints, in making sharing your digital life fun, easy and on the go.”

By recasting QR codes as Socialprints, Skanz gives consumers a new and useful way to use QR codes as a digital home for all of their social media and other contact information. Skanz allows you to create and customize your own secure, free, mobile website — your Skanzsite — and share it at the flash of a smartphone. Friends, family and colleagues scan your QR code, and instantly your Skanzsite appears on their phone, allowing them with a simple touch of the screen to call you, text you, email you, access your Facebook page, Twitter feed and LinkedIn profile, see your favorite videos, photos and music, and learn fun facts about you. And to make sharing your Socialprint fun and fashionable, Skanz lets you “Wear the Web” with a full line of trendy QR-coded fashion accessories — silicone bands and iPhone cases — available now at and at retail locations at the end of October.

There is no cost to generate your unique Skanz QR code or to customize or maintain your personal Skanzsite. There are lots of ways to share your Skanzsite online — via email, posts or tweets, or download a copy of your QR code for insertion into your blog or email signature. And if you don-t want to share your information with everyone, just add a password. Upon scanning your QR code, “skanners” will be prompted to enter your password before they gain access to your Skanzsite.

With Skanz, all you need to “unlock the code” and gain access to each other-s Skanzsites is a smartphone (BlackBerry, Android, iPhone, or even the latest iPod touch or camera-equipped iPad) and any QR reader app. Skanz offers a lightning-fast QR code reader app — Skanz — available as a free download at the App Store or Android Market ().

Lewis continued, “Skanz is today-s contact database on steroids — instant and easy access to all of your friends-, family members- and colleagues- contact information, social media and personal media, so you can be in touch and stay in touch.”

The video was created by Laundry Service Media. View the video and learn more about Skanz at , Twitter: @QRSkanz and Facebook: .

Founded in 2010, Skanz is a social networking platform that uses QR codes to link together mobile technology, social media and fashion. Skanz lets you create your own personal, secure, mobile “Skanzsite” with everything you want to share conveniently stored in your unique QR code. Using your smartphone, you can scan the QR code — the Socialprint — of your friends, colleagues and family and instantly access their Skanzsite, facilitating the instant exchange of contact information (phone numbers, email addresses), social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter), favorite photos, music and more. With a line of QR-coded fashion accessories — including Skanz silicone bands and Skanz phone cases — Skanz invites you to “Wear the Web” and share your world. Create your Socialprint at and follow us on Twitter @QRSkanz.

Skanz is a QR Media Group company. QR Media Group focuses solely on the use of QR codes to deliver just-in-target marketing solutions to businesses, nonprofits, event marketers and anyone interested in extending brand engagement onto mobile devices.

Audrey Mann Cronin
Mann Cronin PR

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