XClinical active contributor to CDISC Interchange North America

XClinical GmbH, Munich, Germany – Oct 26, 2009 – XClinical, a European vendor of innovative software products for eClinical trials, today announced its participation in the CDISC Interchange North America “Today’s experiences and tomorrow’s expectations” taking place in Baltimore from November 9th to November 13th.

During the exhibition XClinical’s experts will be available at booth #15 for detailed discussions on CDISC based tools for the eClinical process around the company’s system MARVIN. Furthermore, Dr. Claus Lindenau, Head of Business Development at XClinical, is presenting the topic “Shortening the CRF design and database set-up process with a CDISC ODM metadata-driven approach” within the speaker session “ODM & RFD” on November 12th. “ODM offers significant advantages for the study set up process.” said Dr. Lindenau. “Standards can help here not only to establish and manage data libraries efficiently, but also to optimize processes between all involved parties.”

Dr. Verplancke, CEO at XClinical, is going to be part of the shared speech about “Technical Foundations of a metadata Repository for Clinical Research”. The presentation, being held on November 11th, is about the metadata repository project that has been initiated by the German ministry of education and research (BMBF = Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung). XClinical is playing an important role implementing the web-based database for metadata in Germany. The project will start in November 2009 and last until the end of 2011.

Dr. Philippe Verplancke is also going to be instructor for the ODM Training course on November 10th. The one day course consists of the technical framework for ODM, an in-depth understanding of the model structure, an overview of the XSL and other tools for working with XML, and strategies for implementing ODM within an organization. “The training course will focus on the use of ODM in combination with define.xml and the value it brings to the whole Data Management process”, Dr. Verplancke pointed out.

A new element at the CDISC Interchange will be table presentations about three relevant topics each presented by different vendors at the CDISC booth. XClinical will be part of the topic “End-to-End” featuring a live demo of CRF design as well as data capture, data export and transfer into SAS and SDTM datasets.

XClinical’s contributions at a glance:

CDISC Interchange North America
Marriott Baltimore Waterfront Hotel
700 Aliceanna Street
Baltimore, MD 21202, USA
Please visit us at booth #15

“ODM Course”
Dr. Philippe Verplancke, XClinical
Please attend Training 3
November 10th
1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

“Technical foundations of a metadata Repository for clinical research”
Dr. Philippe Verplancke, XClinical
Please attend session “4A”
November 11th
4:00 p.m. – 5:30 a.m.

“Shortening the CRF design and database set-up process with a
CDISC ODM metadata-driven approach”
Dr. Claus Lindenau, XClinical
Please attend session “5B”
November 12th
8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

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