Verimatrix Secures IPTV Services for PTK in Kosovo

SAN DIEGO, CA — (Marketwire) — 10/04/11 — , the specialist in securing and enhancing revenue for multi-screen digital TV services around the globe, today announced that its Verimatrix Video Content Authority System ( has been deployed on the Post and Telecommunications of Kosovo J.S.C. (PTK) network. As the global number one in IPTV content protection, VCAS for IPTV enables the secure delivery of live, on-demand and interactive video services, as well as offering a solid upgrade platform that PTK can use to cost-effectively enhance its competitive advantage.

The Verimatrix security solution was integrated with an end-to-end IPTV platform developed in , the acknowledged interactive TV solution provider for service operators and hospitality market, which provided the IPTV middleware solution, and Harmonic-s leading head-end solutions. This marks the eighth IPTV project Verimatrix has implemented together with BeeSmart.

“Operators have a sizable array of IPTV solution providers to choose from to build and upgrade their networks. PTK chose to work with us because we are able to deliver successful implementations thanks to our enviable partner ecosystem and innovatiave security solutions,” said Steve Oetegenn, chief sales and marketing officer at Verimatrix. “We are proud to help secure and enhance the IPTV services from PTK, which is among the most advanced telecom operators in the region.”

VCAS for IPTV is a fully integrated component of the umbrella architecture, which enables secure video delivery across a broad range of networks and device types. VCAS 3 shifts the value proposition beyond content protection, towards the broader perspective of revenue security. Digital TV operators are able to address new opportunities in the accelerating convergence of video delivery over various types of networks to a multitude of devices. VCAS for IPTV offers flexibility in choice of client devices, broad middleware interoperability and proven scalability. For five straights years, Verimatrix has been and DRM by market research firm Multimedia Research Group, Inc. (MRG).

BeeSmart is an acknowledged interactive TV solution provider for service operators and hospitality market. It sets new standards for interactive TV by converging TV, phone and internet services on a single, telco-grade, multiservice delivery platform. BeeSmart combines an exceptionally fast user interface, intelligent content recommendation system, VoIP on TV, web TV support and ability to host multiple operators on a single service delivery platform. Enabling a higher return on service operator-s investments, it also delivers the best TV experience to their subscribers. The company-s preferred way of working in the global market is developing strong business relationships with local partners through a comprehensive partner program, where the synergies for development of new services are harnessed.

PTK is the leading operator in Kosovo in the area of telecommunications and one of the biggest operators in the region.

specializes in securing and enhancing revenue for multi-screen digital TV services around the globe. The award-winning and independently audited Verimatrix Video Content Authority System () and solutions offer an innovative approach for cable, satellite, terrestrial and IPTV operators to cost-effectively extend their networks and enable new business models. As the for premier service providers, Verimatrix has pioneered the that offers flexible layers of protection techniques to address evolving business needs and revenue threats. Maintaining close relationships with major studios, broadcasters, industry organizations, and its unmatched enables Verimatrix to provide a unique perspective on digital TV business issues beyond content security as operators seek to deliver compelling new services. For more information, please visit , our and follow us at and to join the conversation.

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