Introducing abas Business Software to the Latin American market

Merging economies
Convinced of the benefits of globalization, Angel Pérez Andrade, CEO of Tranformaempresas and abas Software Partner, recognized the need of emerging economies, in order to reduce costs in implementation projects of Information Technologies and ERP systems.

Marianne Kentzler, CEO of Vogt Electronic S.A. de C.V. highlighted the benefits of globalization for emerging markets as well as the role to be played by the governments of each country. In her experience as CEO, she emphasized the importance of using ERP systems and methodologies that help to measure business performance and achieve business goals.

High added value for medium-sized businesses
abas Business Software represents new options for the Latin American market, with high added value for medium-sized businesses eager to implement its process oriented approach, its versatility and to ensure high customer satisfaction. Felipe Torres, logistics and customer service manager of CPingredientes S.A. de C.V. stressed the importance of education and training staff in new skills demanded by global markets, as well as the use of cutting-edge technology and world-class solutions like ERP, CRM, BI aligned to the Vision of the company.

Process Oriented Approach with abas Business Software
ABAS delivers pre-defined configurable process-based infosystems. From these screens, users can create and manage transactions, utilize process flow and workflow, call external systems, and have access to all necessary information, instead of working with multiple windows or tabs. Key indicators and alerts allow abas users to make quick decisions and to optimize the management of business processes.

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