bmcm – The manufacturer of measurement technology announces positive development contrary to the tre

In spite of the slight drop in the number of visitors during SENSOR + TEST 2008 from May 6 to 8, 2008 in Nuremberg there were large crowds at the booth of BMC Messsysteme GmbH.
The exceptionally informative booth design caused many to stop abruptly. On large banners the concept of the measuring chain was introduced whose components are completely available at bmcm and compatible to each other.
In peak times the professional visitors even accepted waiting times to experience the latest developments in the field of data acquisition systems, amplifiers systems and embedded PC technology.

Especially the following bmcm products were in the spotlight:

– the latest USB data acquisition system USB-AD16f with an unbeatable price-performance ratio
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– the individual possibilities to equip the 19– AMS amplifier measurement systems with integrated 5B technology and a LAN or USB data acquisition system
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– last but not least: the extremely easy and intuitive operating of the professional measuring software NextView 4 for data acquisition and analysis realizing the most different measurement applications directly without programming
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The trade visitors were especially surprised by the reasonable prices of BMC Messsysteme GmbH which are something to be proud of in the sector of measurement technology.
Which other manufacturer offers a measurement device such as the USB-AD16f providing 16 analog inputs with 16 bit at 250kHz sampling rate and many other features for just 399.- EUR (net price)?

Directly from the manufacturer and with the quality mark “Made in Germany” the complete measuring chain is available at bmcm. Further information about the USB-AD16f and other products of BMC Messsysteme GmbH is provided at:

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