Synaxus presents: The analysis- and documentation- tool for arcplan Enterprise® applications

sxTrace®, this new and unique tool supports you in the analysis and documentation of your arcplan Enterprise® applications. Complex structures and multivariate combinations become transparent through illustrations of graphical and tabular display options. sxTrace® offers you an approved set of helpful functions, that specifically track down the document- and object specific references, analysis and answers questions all round the arcplan application design.

Benefits and Features

sxTrace allows you to save valuable time in the analysis of arcplan Enterprise® applications. Our software supports you in your trouble shooting and therefore increases the quality and availability of your system. Due to an increased efficiency in your process you can significantly and sustainably reduce your development and running costs.
• Overview of complex and extensive projects
• Transparency of complex formula-combinations by means of graphical display
• Facilitated trouble shooting
• Fast analysis of arcplan Enterprise® applications
• Increases the quality and availability of your systems
• Reduction of development and running costs

sxTrace offers you four program modules, which support you optimally in the application development and analysis as well as the documentation of your arcplan applications. Because of the well arranged project administration and interactive reference diagram you have access to fast and pinpoint analysis. Furthermore sxTrace allows you a drilldown to the formula level of individual objects. Your application analysis will be enhanced by a high performance search function.
• Clearly arranged and structured analysis of arcplan Enterprise® applications
• Export of the analytical results
• Document and object references cleary displayed in a diagram
• Filtering the analytical results
• Drilldown to the formula level
• Highlighting the reference relevant formula syntax
• Combined search over two or- respectively two and- linked terms

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