All Professional Versions of the Ninja SIP Software Telephone from Global IP Telecommunications enable for Tap-Proof Telecommunication

ord, 22.09.2011 – Global IP Telecommunications Ltd. equips all professional versions of the Ninja SIP softclient with high encryption. This step enables for enterprise-wide deployment of tap-proof telephony.
As of now, the versions “Pro”, “Pro CTI” and “Enterprise” of the Ninja SIP softclient are able to encrypt and to decrypt telephone calls at the end points, so that the entire route is tap-proof. Professional hackers or well-funded industrial spies may tap the line at any point and intercept all the data without getting the slightest clue about the gist of the discussion. The telephone is equipped with a 4096 bit Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange and the ?Short Authentication String? (SAS) method that enables attack detection with very high reliability. In contrast to conventional solutions that require security certificates and especially protected telephony servers, not a single point of the line offers any vulnerability.
Besides the professional use in offices Ninja Pro, peer-to-peer high encryption renders the softclient suitable for diplomats, foreign correspondents, for linking external resources like patent attorneys and subcontractors, as well as for the communication with overseas branch offices of corporations.
More information can be found at:

Global IP Telecommunications is a leading manufacturer of autoprovisioning-capable softphone applications for Voice-over-IP. Global IPTel products are being sold worldwide through leading call center, PC-, USB- and headset manufacturers, internet service providers, telcos as well as international sales partners (

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