S4M’s VPMS convinced the jury of “Innovationspreis 2008”

With its Video Production Management System VPMS, Cologne based systems and consulting company S4M – Solutions for Media was short-listed for this year’s “Innovationspreis 2008”. The award is carried out yearly since 2004 and was initiated by the “Initiative Mittelstand” – a network designed to promote the interests of German medium-sized businesses.

The “Initiative Mittelstand” awards highly innovative products and solutions with a special interest to medium-sized businesses. With VPMS, S4M was successful in the category “Branchensoftware” (software focused on special branches of the economy). VPMS was designed to suit the needs of professionals in broadcast video management as well as video management in other industries. It is employed by both private and public service broadcasters in Germany and Europe and supports the management of digital Video assets – from acquisition through versatile production schemes to playout, distribution and archiving.
In 2008, the “Innovationspreis” established a new record with altogether 1600 entries. VPMS convinced a top-class jury of professors, industry experts and scientists of its high degree of innovation, its efficiency and special interest to medium-sized companies. As a result, S4M can use the signet „Innovationsprodukt 2008“ (innovation product 2008).

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