Tensar International Launches Improved Web-Based Version of Erosion Control Materials Design Software (ECMDS(R)) 5.0

ALPHARETTA, GA — (Marketwire) — 08/29/11 — Tensar International, the manufacturer of North American Green® erosion and sediment control products, today announced the release of ECMDS® 5.0 — the improved, web-based version of their popular Erosion Control Materials Design Software. ECMDS® 5.0 ensures the proper evaluation and design for soil-loss prediction, product specification and project planning.

“All recommendations within the latest version of ECMDS® are based on data Tensar has collected from controlled laboratory and field research involving erosion control blankets, turf reinforcement mats, vegetation establishment, hydraulic mulches, sediment control devices, and transitioning devices,” said Tim Lancaster, Director of Erosion Control and Marine Technology at Tensar International.

“Tensar-s ECMDS® 5.0 testing has been conducted by reputable organizations like the American Association of State Highway Officials- National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (AASHTO-NTPEP), Texas Transportation Institute (TTI), San Diego State University, and Colorado State University, among others,” Lancaster continued. “Tensar is proud to exceed the standards and regulations set forth by the Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC), ASTM International and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Engineers, designers and contractors can quickly and easily design highly cost-effective erosion protection for their projects to comply with today-s strict erosion and sediment control regulations when utilizing our design software.”

“Providing our software in a web-based application helps to better serve Tensar-s end-users,” said Gabe Weaver, Manager of Engineering and Business Development at Tensar International. “In today-s world of portable hand-held devices, Tensar-s software registrants now have access to design projects from their smart phones, notebooks or anything with an Internet connection. Our registrants are not limited simply to a desktop computer or CD-ROM disc. The application offers robust calculations to develop cost-effective, sustainable erosion control and vegetation establishment with both rolled erosion control products (RECPs) and hydraulic erosion control products (HECPs). It also features dynamic graphics throughout its various analysis pages.”

ECMDS® 5.0 provides valuable insight for any specifier or engineer by providing comprehensive analysis for site-specific conditions, ranging from channel and slope protection to new features including transition mats and drop structure designs. To learn more, or access the software directly, visit or .

About Tensar International — Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, Tensar International Corporation is a full-service provider of specialty products and engineering services used in the cost-effective development of commercial, residential, industrial and municipal sites as well as transportation infrastructure. For more information, visit .

Mr. John Bolton
Director of Marketing – Western Hemisphere
Tensar International Corporation
Tel: (704) 658-1165

Ms. Cindy McGovern
Marketing Manager of Erosion Control
Tensar International Corporation
Tel: (678) 281-8611

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