Make-A-Wish Foundation(R) of Arizona and UAT Team Up

TEMPE, AZ — (Marketwire) — 08/23/11 — Christian-s one true wish was to build his very own computer. However, this was not just any computer, it was what Christian referred to as a “Monster Computer,” complete with multiple GPU setup, striped SSD HD-s and a compressor cooler for the processor.

“I figured due to the somewhat peak of technology at this moment, it was a perfect time to jump in, plus my old one was starting to not keep up with things,” Christian said.

Thanks to the folks from the of Arizona and the , Christian was able to see his wish come true last week. Christian-s volunteer wish granters worked with Fry-s Electronics in Tempe to acquire all of the computer components. After visiting the store to approve all of the components, Christian spent the next day at UAT-s campus assembling his monster computer with the help of Mark Hartlieb, UAT-s IT Hardware and Software Coordinator.

“He had a real solid knowledge of all the computer components and knew exactly what he wanted, so it was kind of easy for me to sit there and look over his shoulder to make sure everything was okay,” Hartlieb said.

Christian blended right in with the UAT crowd. Having already built his own PCs in the past, he had some knowledge when it came to putting it all together; however, there were some new tricks he had to learn.

“There were quite a few new concepts and pieces I have never used before — the water cooling and SSDs. The hardest, or rather, most tedious part was the cords. So many cords, all flying all over the place,” Christian said.

Christian was diagnosed in October of 2010 with Hodgkin-s Lymphoma. His cancer went into remission in May.

Christian-s volunteer wish granter, Jeffrey Stelter, helped coordinate the wish and was there when the monster computer was turned on for the first time after the four and half hours it took to build.

“It was very cool to see how happy Christian and his dad were. The whole family stayed the whole time and helped with the build,” Stelter said, “It was a very cool wish to be a part of.”

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Jennifer Wagner
UAT/Media Relations

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