Technology “made in Germany”

The brilliant idea of the PCI-BASE1000 is its modularity providing an enormous flexibility. With the selection of suitable data aqcuisition modules to equip the two module slots of the PCI-BASE1000 the customer decides about performance and price of his measurement system and is able to optimize the price-performance-ratio.

The PCI-BASE1000 baseboard features 16 digital inputs and outputs each which means that the base board is a digital I/O card itself.
The analog input and output modules sample with a different resolution and sampling rate within the selectable measuring range of +/-1V, +/-2V, +/-5V or +/-10V.
For example, the PCI-BASE1000 combined with two 16-bit input modules MAD16f records high-frequency analog signals with an overall sampling rate of up to 1 MHz. The switch-over from one measuring range to another can be defined for each channel separately and does not influence the sampling rate.

Particularly interesting for the automotive sector is a CAN module allowing scans with 1MBit transmission rate via two electrically isolating channels, especially as these can be recorded synchronously in time to analog channels. The measured data can simultaneously be displayed and stored on the hard disk.

All modules can be used in any combination, so that the customer gets his individual data acquisition system specially adapted to the measurement application.

Because of extremely short latencies in data acquisition the PCI-BASE1000 is especially suitable for single value measurements.
Besides that, the PCI-BASE1000 can be synchronized, so that several installed measuring cards use the same time reference.

The acquisition of measurement data via a PCI data acuisition card integrated in a PC is recommended in particular for stationary applications. The advantage of internal fixed installation is that you can do without any interfering cables for a data acquisition system and power supply.

The entire software for installing and programming (ActiveX controls) the PCI measuring card is available for free on the provided “Software Collection” CD.
The Plug&Play ability of the PCI-BASE1000 guarantees a simple installation, because the board will be recognized right away when turning on the PC.
With NextView®, the professional software for measurement data acquisition and analysis, a perfect complement is available. To show signals and test the functional range of the PCI-BASE1000 measuring card the version NextView®4 Live! is included with delivery for free use.

With this multitude of features one might assume that measurement technology with these advantages is prohibitive. However, even in this point the user will surprised by BMC Messsysteme GmbH – positively, of course!

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