The year 2017 is marked by regulatory adjustments to the German investment tax reform law, which comes into effect on 1 January, 2018. The whole industry – hence also DIAMOS – has worked towards this for years and channelled its resources into ensuring that all products are up-to-date and legally compliant. The main change of the reform concerns mutual funds, which in future will be subject to a different type of taxation. On an investor level there will be ongoing taxation for distributions, upfront payments and income from disposals. Domestic income will be taxed at fund level. In order to offset the initial tax burden at fund level, partial tax releases are granted at investor level. Transactions that occur during the life-cycle of deposit transfers and feature as standard transactions in DIAMOS-D, such as sale/purchase, deposit transfer, disbursement, fund splits, fund consolidation and delta corrections, as well as the processing of information supplied by the WM-data service and relevant investment tax reform data, were all adjusted to fall in line with the requirements of the new tax regime.
Another key feature of the new 2.23 releases is the functional implementation of the MiFID II Directive which also enters into force on 1 January 2018. In this context, the individually configurable target market assessment, which was installed as a central module in DIAMOS-D and can thus be utilised for DIAMOS– own B2B and B2C frontends, as well as customer-specific frontends via WebServices, was implemented alongside ex ante cost simulation and ex post reporting on cost transparency. The entry of data supplied by the WM-data service and relevant to MiFID II into the DIAMOS-System is hereby fully supported. This not only ensures that the MiFID II Directive was implemented in DIAMOS-D, but furthermore offers the great advantage that customers are able to process data in other relevant point of sale areas via the flexible interfaces of DIAMOS-D.
Regulatory requirements were also implemented in the DIAMOS PrivatePension Riester-module, in order to support customer processes even more efficiently.
“This release had the clear focus to implement all new regulatory developments in a manner that keeps our clients– expenses to a minimum”, says Thomas Wirth, Head of Product Management DIAMOS-D. “Especially when confronted with such comprehensive regulatory changes , as we have experienced this year, every company in the financial sector has to repeatedly call into question their make-or-buy decisions”, emphasises Domingo Santos Marañón, Managing Director for Product Management at DIAMOS AG, and adds that “we at DIAMOS are well-positioned and particularly glad to be a competent partner when it comes to a buy-decision.”
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