Clear-sighted testing of autonomous systems: Software-QS-Tag 2017 with keynotes from Prof Dr Dr Frank Kirchner and Anders Indset

How do you test autonomous systems state-of-the-art? How does the software quality assurance of future AI-based systems have to look like? The opening keynote speaker Prof Dr Dr Frank Kirchner is predestined for answering these questions.
He has been professor for robotics at the University of Bremen for 15 years. There he is the head of the research group for robotics and head of the Robotics Innovation Center (RIC) of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). At RIC, scientists develop mobile robot systems which can be used for complex tasks on land, in water, in the air and in space.
Due to the Digital Transformation everyday life and the work of software testers will get more and more complex. Obtaining simplicity is the most complex task nowadays, says the economics philosopher Anders Indset.
In his final lecture at the Software-QS-Tag he points out that improvisation and agility will come to the fore due to the permanent change. The society has to decide more and more frequently which knowledge should be used. According to Anders Indset’s point of view, people need to unlearn things nowadays in order to prevent making wrong decisions based on defective experience.
The Software-QS-Tag 2017 takes place in Frankfurt on the Main on 19 and 20 November. This year’s main topic is called “Digital Transformation – Evolution, Innovation, Disruption”. Around 60 experts report which techniques, tools and best practices are currently available.
The conference is rounded by a lightning talk from the futurologist Dr Bernd Flessner. Two years ago Dr Flessner wrote the trend study “The Future of Testing” creating future scenarios for the IT industry of the coming years and decades. Right at the Software-QS-Tag the second updated and expanded edition of “The Future of Testing” comes out.

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