Improve Brand Awareness & Audience Engagement With Animated Video Marketing Using Ad Reel From Ryan Phillips

A new animated video creation tool has been launched by Ryan Phillips, called Ad Reel. Designed to help business owners craft powerful and engaging videos for their site, it provides users with a range of information and tools to help them get the most out of their online presence.

More information can be found at:

The site explains that Ad Reel allows site owners to create stunning video ad animations, making the creation of videos and animated clips as simple as possible. The goal was to provide a tool that could be used by anyone, regardless of their editing and filming experience.

This allows business owners in any niche to captivate and engage their audience with no video or design skills required, allowing them to build better sites and engage with their customers in new ways.

Video has become the most dominant tool in an online marketers arsenal, with more people demanding and enjoying it every day. Powered by YouTube and social media sites, video has established itself as the number one way to get information in todays market.

In addition to this, video is easy to share among friends on sites like Facebook and Twitter, making it a useful facet to a digital marketing campaign, because it can encourage people to share the word of the business site, boosting reputation and awareness.

Research shows that the average web user spends 88% more time on a website that has video, and one third of all online activity is dedicated to watching video. This represents a large chunk of audience time to harness for marketing purposes.

This is because video can quickly and easily grab peoples attention, engage them on an emotional level, and showcase both value, clarity and expertise in any field.

Using Ad Reel, businesses can establish themselves as experts in their field and boost their brand awareness by quickly and easily building their own animated videos to be hosted online. Further details are available on the URL above, with more at:

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