agiles Group Earns Certified for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Accreditation

Solutions that are Certified for Microsoft Dynamics NAV have demonstrated quality and compatibility with the Microsoft Dynamics NAV product on which it runs by passing rigorous VeriTest software solution testing. These solutions are then profiled in the Microsoft Partner Solution Profiler Tool.

This certification represents a significant step in elevating the standard for part- ner-developed software solutions for industry-specific business applications. By highlighting these solutions, Microsoft also creates new opportunities for partners to expand their reseller channel and to better promote their packaged Microsoft Dynamics solution for customers.

“By requiring both the software solution and the partner to meet Microsoft’s high- est standards, Microsoft is assuring customers that these certified solutions are compatible with their investments in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.” Microsoft congra- tulates agiles Group on achieving the Certified for Microsoft Dynamics NAV status for their vertical solutions for consumer goods trading by demonstrating its suc- cess and commitment in delivering a leading Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution.

About Microsoft Dynamics
Microsoft Dynamics is a line of financial, customer-relationship and supply-chain management solutions that helps businesses work more effectively. Delivered through a network of channel partners providing specialized services, these integrated, adaptable business management solutions work like and with familiar Microsoft software to streamline processes across an entire business.

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