New idate survey on Enterprise mobile offering – a 33 billion market

By conducting a detailed analysis of the catalogue of business services marketed by eleven European operators in the five largest European countries, it picks out the underlying market trends in network strategy: 3G+, Wi-Fi, handsets, wVoIP… and range of services: segmentation, content, formats, billing modes… It then presents a number of indicators on the integration of mobile in business (take-up, consumption, budgets, planning, etc.). Lastly, the report offers a current and medium-term assessment of the enterprise mobile services markets.

Enterprise mobile base: take-up still on the increase, with 3G handsets gradually nudging their way in, due mainly to operators voluntarily opt-ing to subsidise such devices The current mobile take-up rate per employee (around 25%) is likely to continue rising and by 2011, the enterprise mobile base in Western Europe should reach 60 million units, against an existing base of 50 million.

The catalogues of business services marketed by operators are enhancing the rise of on
– site FMC offers (@office, UMA on Wi-Fi/GSM handsets and integrated IPBX),
– solutions designed for “prosumers” (preferential rates in the evenings and at week-ends +
– and push-email services, which form the flagship application for mobile broadband.
Operator segmentation strategies shifting towards “usage centric” offer formats
Alongside traditional segmentation based on the size of company or mobile fleet, cellular operators are now aligning their offers to business subscribers by looking at usage profiles. More recent commercial launches are markedly targeting “prosum-ers” (whose private and professional use of the mobile its most responsive to eve-ning/weekend flat rates and entertainment options),
“on-site users” (offering a range of flat-rate FMC solutions for on-site use), “intensive data users”
(with rate plans offering higher and higher traffic volumes, usually unmetered), and “occasional users”
(whom operators are trying to convert with as-you-go solutions, addressing the irregular
consumption habits of this target).
With falling voice ARPU, compounded by more fixed-mobile-IP convergence offers, data (mainly messaging) has become a growth outlet for the enterprise mobile market, although the pace is likely to slacken off. The market should thus grow from 30 billion EUR at end-2006 to 33 billion EUR in 2011.

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