French Frequency Regulatory Authority ANFR selects LS telcom for the provision of a national frequency management system

Paris France, Lichtenau / Baden, Germany – February 28, 2017 – LS telcom announces that the French National Frequency Agency ANFR has selected its automated spectrum management platform SPECTRA to build, in stages, a new unified spectrum management system called SURF.

The choice of SPECTRA is the result of a public consultation based on a competitive dialog, during which bidders provided test systems (proof of concept) that were thoroughly tested. The ANFR was able to choose the solution that best meets its needs, based on the features and performance of an operational system in real conditions, as experienced by actual system users.

The future SURF system will streamline and modernize the frequency management processes, as well as the user interfaces, while overhauling the ANFR information system.

“The SPECTRA system supports all administrative and technical procedures of spectrum management and provides automated workflow-based e-government capabilities. This efficiency in the spectrum management process has become a necessity in the context of increased spectrum use,” says Jean-Paul Chaib, Managing Director of LS telcom France. “We look forward to the first deployment of the SURF project, in order to witness its benefits as soon as possible.”

“Having deployed large-scale systems with many notable spectrum regulators, such as BNetzA Germany, Ofcom UK, ISED Canada and ACMA Australia, we are very pleased to welcome the French ANFR among our customers,” added Dr. Manfred Lebherz, Chairman and CEO of the LS telcom group.

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