Landrush of asia-domains starts February 20

During the Landrush phase anyone around the world can apply for any available asia-domains, representing a golden opportunity for individuals looking to invest in the most prestigious and potentially profitable cyber real estate in Asia. Asia-domains receiving more than one application during the Landrush period will be auctioned between the applicants in an equitable process that would encourage the adoption of the asia-domains. Popular “keyword” domains, such as names consisting of common terms are expected to generate the most intense bidding.

Last year, about 10.1 million new domain names were registered every quarter worldwide, compared with 8.7 million each quarter in 2005. “If you look at the trend in overall registrations, especially with the strong growth in Asia, we can project a huge number of applications during the Landrush period,” said Edmon Chung, DotAsia CEO.

“First-comes-first served” rules the Go Live Period. Registrars like ICANN
accredited Registrar Secura with a short queue can offer an advantage to registrants of asia-domains, as the chances to get the desired asia-domains at these registrars are better.

Hans-Peter Oswald

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