Taking A2P SMS Monetisation to the World

London, February 1, 2017: A2P SMS specialist Dialogue Group has announced its intent to aggressively drive its Sentinel product into a range of new markets in 2017, focusing on promoting the benefits of monetised, on-net A2P SMS to mobile network operators around the World who are currently losing $billions each year in uncollected revenue.

Dialogue entered advanced discussions with several Latin American network operators in 2016 and will shortly announce a new operator relationship on the continent. The benefits of deploying Sentinel are clear to operators once they understand the scale of the problem they face and the revenue they are losing.

Sentinel always delivers a sharp increase in A2P SMS revenue immediately following installation. One operator that deployed Sentinel in 2016 now receives more than $500k in A2P SMS derived revenue each month – having had zero beforehand.

Latin America represents just one of the continents which Dialogue is targeting in an international expansion drive throughout 2017. The next twelve months will also see the company focus on the Middle Eastern, North and Sub-Saharan African markets as well as continuing to drive market penetration into existing and new territories in its strongholds of Asia and Western Europe.

Research from multiple sources shows that the global A2P SMS market is today worth $55bn and will grow to an estimated $70bn in the next three years. Tests carried out in 2016 by Dialogue on 199 mobile networks across 84 countries showed significant bypass, or grey route, traffic on 51 per cent of networks with 28 operators (14 per cent) suffering from 100 per cent by-pass meaning they were not collecting any A2P SMS revenue.

The amount of leakage into grey routes, suggests that globally operators are capturing only around a quarter of the potential income from A2P SMS, equating to $15bn in revenue that operators can begin to recover immediately if they install Sentinel.

“Identifying grey-routes, blocking messages and forcing them onto the controlled network must be a priority for operators Worldwide. We know that they can recoup the cost of deploying Sentinel within a week which is an exceptional return on investment in any language,” said Paul Garner, Director of Global Sales for Dialogue Group. “Sentinel ensures that revenue is fairly shared, the service delivery is guaranteed, and the operator knows what is happening on its network.

“Sentinel will work for every operator, everywhere,” said Garner.

Dialogue’s Sentinel solution can be viewed as a ‘bolt-on’ to the operator’s network which identifies and actively blocks grey route traffic, forcing it onto the managed operator network and delivering associated revenue. Sentinel benefits from its ‘beautiful simplicity’ and low cost: it can be integrated into any operator’s infrastructure without requiring months of work – the product works irrespective of traffic volumes, sources and language and requires minimal technical knowledge and support to implement or maintain.

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