Membership Professionals, an online course and membership site developer, based in Tofield, Canada, released a business membership software package that takes site creation to the next level. Saving entrepreneurs both time and investment cost, this software allows them to boost profits with a greater return on investment. This innovative software, developed by Jargon Handlers Software Solutions, integrates with Facebook and other social media platforms, and creates membership sites with minimal effort, cutting the need for technical knowledge.
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Launched on January 23, 2017, Membership Professional–s software package allows entrepreneurs to create online training courses in minutes, rather than days. For instance, a professional sewing instructor creates a series of lessons teaching beginner, intermediate and advanced sewers specific tasks. All the sewers need do is join the membership site to gain access to the teachings. Sites, just like this one, have customized features with new lessons and products uploaded fast and efficiently.
With software ideal for digital marketing, online education, and business training, Membership Professionals bring an end to expensive online membership and course creation. They achieve this by offering a quick package solution that gets businesses up and running.
According to research, online courses taught via video are in demand. Companies typically streamed some 16 hours of video, per worker, per month in 2016, while more than 240 million hours spent every month watching videos in the UK. Plus, enterprise video growth rose by more than 33.7% in Asia Pacific.
Looking to fill a gap in the market, the developers of the software aimed to produce a self-marketing system. This built-in sales feature is also backed by Membership Professionals expertise, with a news ticker, banner, light box, top bar advertising, and related product promotion.
As consultants for product creation and course development sites, Membership Professionals offer customers a complete branding service, including graphic design, if needed. They also assist with gamification, also known as product and service engagement, monetization, or conversion of ideas into marketable products, and helping in the development of sales materials. Virtual onboarding options are also available for businesses seeking to train employees.
To find out more about Membership Professionals and the Course Building services, go here
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