Numbers Having Palm Readings Online Jump Over Fears For 2017

A new year is always a time for reflection and consideration. But the seismic events of last year have led to a lot of concern about what 2017 will bring. This has been reflected in the increasing number of people who have been seeking online consultations with UK Palmist, Gary Markwick.

Palm Reading has always been popular and is seen by some as just an amusing parlour trick. But in uncertain times the desire to know what the future brings has become a powerful force and the events of 2016 have been uniquely tumultuous. From terrorism attacks to political upheaval the events have left people uncertain about their future, especially since the effects of the political events will continue into 2017 and beyond.

Gary Markwick is a third-generation palm reader who has been reading palms for over 20 years, and is one of the most popular palmists in the UK. Through his website he offers personal readings through email and Skype. The demand for these have seen a large increase in recent months, a fact he attributes to the political events in particular.

The new clients I have been seeing have particularly been concerned about what the effect of Brexit and the election of Donald Trump will mean, he says. Its not so much a fear as a concern that we are entering a disruptive period and they want to understand what it might mean for their lives.

While most of the new clients Gary has seen are nervous about the unknown there are also a number who are excited and see a time of change as providing opportunity that they want to try and capture.

Times of change always bring both challenges and opportunities and over the more than 20 years that I have been reading palms I have always seen readings increase during such times, according to Gary. What is different this time is the fact that the internet has made such changes more visible but also made it easier for people to obtain a personal reading.

Each reading requires hours of work from Gary and demand has been so high that he is now being forced to limit the number of new readings and favour those taking place over email rather than Skype. He says this is something he has never had to do before and is he thinks, indicative of a real sense of unease and uncertainty in the world right now.

Personal online palm readings are currently available from

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