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Short Play Scripts For Seniors By Theater Script Company Launched

Virginia Beach theater script company Blue Moon Plays LLC announced the launch of their new series of one-act and full-length scripts for seniors and their expansion into two niche brands: HaveScripts and Blue Moon Stage Plays. The scripts are written for use in schools and community theater events. The company also features a lineup of new cause-based scripts for young and veteran thespians.

More information about Blue Moon Plays LLC and the new scripts can be found at [http://havescripts.com](http://havescripts.com/)

Blue Moon Plays LLC–s repertoire of scripts includes short skits, full-length plays, musical plays, and adaptations of popular works. The company also provides adaptations of classic children–s fairy tales and Shakespeare–s plays. Touring adaptations for adults and theater companies such as James Joyce–s Dubliners and event-based plays are also a part of the script-writing company–s listings.

Issue plays and message-based scripts are designed to spread awareness about or draw attention to societal attitudes to hidden and controversial issues. Scripts dealing with sexual abuse, substance addiction, depression, race relations, and other issues that define the human condition are featured as full-length or touring plays. The new plays from Blue Moon Plays LLC features shorts that tell the exciting and often unappreciated viewpoints of senior citizens

According to a spokesperson for Blue Moon Plays LLC, Our plays cover a wide range of categories, from historical adaptations drawn from literature to shorts that identify with the prevailing zeitgeist. Each play is carefully selected for stage value and production quality and for its age-appropriateness.

Headquartered in Virginia Beach, VA, Blue Moon Plays LLC also features plays off the press that are suited for companies and actors looking for material that can be premiered. The company has announced its expansion into two brands: HaveScripts that features scripts for young people and religious groups and Blue Moon Stage Plays that offer contemporary adult scripts including issue plays and plays for seniors.

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