Dallas Mobile Barbers, Hair Stylists & Boutiques Support All Styles Mobile App

Earlier today, All Styles announced that the launch of the All Styles Mobile App GoFundMe Campaign is now live. With All Styles, a barber or hair stylist is at the fingertips of everyone and ready to style in or nearby locations at any time, prepared for the hair cut or styling. For consumers, barbers, hair stylists, and cosmetologists, the All Styles Mobile App will change their entire mobile hair styling experience.

Full details on the All Styles Mobile App can be viewed here: https://www.gofundme.com/getallstyles

“A person will notice every barber has a barbershop, and every hair stylist is at a salon. Very few barbers and hair stylists are mobile”. The Founder & C.E.O at All Styles, Dontaveyon Foster, says; “When the All Styles Mobile App launches, this will be a game changer for cosmetologists and all people wanting to get their hair styled”.

Mr. Foster continues… “Where you will always see our competitors doing their customer experience on the phone and setting appointments online, we will set hair appointments, talk to clients, visit our clients, and allow them to pay – all through the mobile app. We do this because we–re human, and we as people love convenience. At the same time, there are people who do not have the means to get to a hair salon or barbershop. At the end of the day, this is going to be a huge benefit to our customers, because it saves you money and time from having to go to the salon or barbershop to get their hair styled.”

All Styles was established in March 2016. It aims to provide people the convenience of the All Styles Mobile App so parents have more time for their children, for the business owner on a time crunch to get styled before their next meeting, for the elderly or hospitalized to get someone to come to them no matter their circumstance, and the teenager with an allowance and little money for transportation. The All Styles Mobile App is for everyone.

Currently, the closest thing to All Styles Mobile App is a mobile barber who not only does not have a mobile app to make things easier for their clients; they also have a website that is not set up or designed to show well on smart phones and tablets, but the All Styles Mobile App improves on this by giving users a mobile friendly experience on the web and seamless engagement through the mobile app to provide new and veteran clients the best possible hair styling experience. The All Styles– Mobile App is set to revolutionize the hair and cosmetology space.

The All Styles Mobile App is set to launch in partnership with “My Master App” on March 1, 2017. For further information about All Styles and to raise innovation in the hair industry, this can be discovered at [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjjIvZBHeA8](http://www.getallstyles.com)

Learn more about “My Master App” at [https://www.mymasterapp.com/](http://www.mymasterapp.com/)

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