The topic of the 25th Software-QS-Tag is…: The participants submit proposals for the focus of the conference 2017

Which topic has the potential for mesmerizing and thrilling hundreds of attendees for two days next year? It will run like a golden thread through all technical lectures, tutorials and workshops – divided in the five parallel tracks „Requirements & Architecture“, „Test Automation“, „Test Design“, „Test Management“ and „Special Topics“. For that reason, it should be possible to break the suggested guiding themes down into the separate tracks.
The pivotal element of the idea gathering is the group “Software-QS-Tag” at XING. Only registered participants of this years’ conference and former conferences have access to the community. Deadline for the submission of possible topics is 4th December 2016.
The community’s feedback on the posted ideas will be ascertained by an online poll. The ranking places as well as the programme committee’s professional assessment decide which topic will become the focus for 2017. At the beginning of 2017, the official conference theme will be proclaimed.
The participant who posts the winning theme will be invited as VIP to attend for free the conference on 19th and 20th October 2016. Lest there should be more persons who submit the winning theme during the action, the winner of the VIP ticket will be chosen at random.

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