Skyscape Announces OpenStack Support As Part Of Launch Of Next-Generation Platform

Assured cloud services provider becomes the first to offer OpenStack Compatible solutions exclusively for the UK public sector

London – July 5, 2016 – Skyscape Cloud Services Limited, the easy to adopt, easy to use and easy to leave assured cloud services company has today announced the availability of OpenStack powered services to fully leverage the capabilities of its next-generation cloud platform. Skyscape has chosen to deploy OpenStack in order to support its UK Public Sector customers who have to comply with government policy which states open standards must be used when procuring ICT and delivering any new ICT solutions to ensure all government ICT assets are inter-operable.

Skyscape is dedicated to UK Public Sector organisations and its Cloud Native Infrastructure (powered by OpenStack) is designed specifically to support these organisations as they transition to digital and embrace an agile DevOps/WebOps culture to develop cloud native applications which improve public services, increase agility, drive innovation and reduce costs. Skyscape’s assured OpenStack capability will accelerate digital transformation across the UK Public Sector by providing a truly open source platform that’s familiar to developers and meets government requirements for open standards.

OpenStack has established itself as the open standard cloud platform on which developers are able to build agile and elastic digital solutions, offering portability between on premise, private and public cloud environments. As OpenStack supports multi-cloud deployments, it removes any reliability on a single provider. This means UK Public Sector organisations no longer need to be ‘locked-in’ to proprietary platforms, instead they can manage pools of computing resource spread across different platforms as one and fully embrace cloud with maximum efficiency.

“We believe that OpenStack perfectly complements our existing platform and assurance capabilities to provide an end-to-end solution for the delivery of cloud services to further assist the UK Public Sector in its digital transformation” said Simon Hansford, CEO of Skyscape Cloud Services. “This is why our new next-generation cloud platform will be the first to offer OpenStack compatible services for the exclusive use of the UK public sector, enabling us to provide an open source and portable cloud environment that maintains the levels of security, flexibility and value for money that our customers have come to expect.”

The Skyscape platform is built upon a fully packaged and tested OpenStack distribution, backed by a global specialist in open source software and standards. Unlike some other OpenStack cloud service providers, Skyscape is committed to using enterprise grade components from its partners such as Cisco and EMC to ensure it provides the highest level of platform availability and reliability. In addition, it–s committed to delivering the innovation developed by the OpenStack community; at launch its platform will be based on the Liberty release of OpenStack but it will quickly move to become one of the first UK public cloud providers to offer the latest release of OpenStack – Mitaka.

Skyscape’s OpenStack deployment enhances the company’s unique capabilities, including assured connectivity to Government networks, including the Public Services Network (PSN) and N3 healthcare communities. Its OpenStack platform will also remain optimised for OFFICIAL and OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE, with all data held across Skyscape’s two UK data centres.

Hansford continued: “Four years on from the launch of our first platform on the G-Cloud Framework’s debut iteration, the public sector is maturing and we’re seeing more complex requirements for genuine big data projects and multi-cloud deployments. Our next-generation OpenStack compatible platform will help our public sector customers liberate their cloud infrastructure and accelerate innovation, while also ensuring they comply with Government policy concerning open standards.”

For further information on Skyscape’s OpenStack infrastructure, please visit:

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