Neustar MarketShare and Twitter Team Up to Measure Social Media’s Effectiveness on TV

Research Reveals Combined TV and Twitter Advertising Results in 18 Percent Return on Investment

June 29, 2016 – STERLING, Va. – Neustar, Inc. (NYSE: NSR) a trusted, neutral provider of real-time information services, today announced that it has joined forces with Twitter in Spain to give marketers the insights needed to validate the impact social media has on TV, and in-store sales. Neustar MarketShare DecisionCloud, an industry leading holistic planning and attribution solution, and the world’s foremost social networking platform are on a mission to empower marketers with the insights, and tools needed to optimise their advertising campaign spending.

Commenting on the partnership Alfonso Calatrava, research director, Twitter Spain said, “Twitter is becoming a powerful tool to market TV programming and ads. According to our research, approximately 6 in 10 users will access Twitter while watching a TV show in Spain. We decided it made sense to partner with Neustar MarketShare to show just how effective our platform could be to broadcasters and brands as a second screen for consumers.”

Extending their working relationship to Spain, Neustar MarketShare and Twitter are evaluating how Twitter advertising, especially promoted tweets and promoted trends, enhances an advertisers marketing mix. Specifically, the research focuses on the contribution Twitter makes as a second screen to traditional linear TV.

“In the new landscape where mobile platforms and social media play a very important role, having consumer behavior data available directly from Twitter can make a real difference to a content company such as Sony Pictures,” said Pepe Ramírez, marketing director, Sony Pictures Releasing de España, S.A. “When combined with marketing analytics, we’re able to see exactly how the online conversation affects movie viewing and sales in real-time. We have been investing in a platform like Twitter for many years and we are certain that Twitter will become ever more important in our overall marketing strategy in the future,” he added.

Newly released research conducted in Spain reveals that the return for every 1 spent on Twitter advertising equalled 3 in movie ticket sales. While TV still dominated average spending with 50 percent of the average campaign investment, results showed an 18 percent increase in return when TV and Twitter campaigns were run concurrently. Twitter and Neustar MarketShare have previously worked together to generate compelling research reports in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Brazil, France and Japan.

Luis Chaves, vice president of EMEA Strategy, Neustar MarketShare commented, “Marketers are constantly looking for ways to improve on their campaign spend. By partnering with Neustar MarketShare, Twitter will be able to provide marketers with useful in-depth analytics information to help judge the impact their social platform has on TV campaigns and sales. ”

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