St Louis Ashtanga Yoga Instructor Launches Primary Series Workshops

Yoga instructor Kelly Hogan, from YogaByKelly has just launched new workshops based on the primary series of Ashtanga yoga.

For further information, visit the YogaByKelly website:

As a qualified nurse, and with a degree in Exercise and Sports Science, Kelly is a devotee of Ashtanga yoga, studying with internationally renowned gurus and at KPJAYI (K Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute). Ashtanga is a type of yoga based on eight principles and consisting of a series of poses executed in swift succession, combined with deep, controlled breathing. YogaByKelly–s workshops facilitate a deeper understanding and improvement of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga postures or poses (asanas).

Kelly teaches her yoga students to focus on proper breathing techniques, an important factor for de-stressing as it reconnects people to the present moment. She says she has seen healing and transformation in her students as a result. The workshops include a full led class of the primary series movements and breaths, and allocated time to learn some in depth knowledge about the moves, experiment and try out new movements.

According to Kelly, the healing benefits of yoga through the combination of proper breathing and bodily movements, include: the reduction of stress and anxiety, assistance with pain relief, improved mental clarity for making more mindful decisions and an overall feeling of optimal energy and wellbeing. The workshops take a closer look at the anatomy involved in achieving the various Ashtanga yoga poses and why this improves health and wellbeing.

YogaByKelly offers public classes, private instruction, both in person and over FaceTime. In addition to stress reduction, pain reduction, anxiety and depression relief, the classes also promote increased strength and flexibility and improved posture. Participants will receive a personalized home practice routine they–ll be able to do on their own. The workshops are special additional classes held from time to time, that supplement and enhance the practice gained from regular classes.

More detailed information about the classes, workshops and how to book can be found on the YogaByKelly website, along with information about Kelly–s credentials, genuine feedback from her clients and reviews and video clips of her study at KPJAYI in Mysore, India, and of her performing some of the Ashtanga poses. YogaByKelly website visitors can sign up to the newsletter and follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google+.

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