SAN FRANCISCO, CA — (Marketwired) — 06/01/16 — From comedian Louis CK to President Barack Obama, countless notable figures have done AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions on Reddit, but never before has an artificial “Hive Mind” answered questions this way. In a historic event, UNU will hold an on . is the Artificial Swarm Intelligence that made headlines by predicting the Kentcky Derby superfecta, at 542 to 1 odds. The Reddit community will have the opportunity to ask UNU anything about a far more important race — the 2016 US Presidential Election.
Developed by Silicon Valley startup, , and based on years of scientific research on , UNU enables groups of people to think together as a unified emergent intelligence — a “brain of brains” that can express itself as a singular entity in real-time. Over the last six months, over 20,000 people have been part of emergent intelligent swarms on UNU, answering over 30,000 questions as a global “Hive Mind”. UNU has established itself not only as a fun social platform for thousands of users, but a source of powerful insights.
In 2014, researchers at Unanimous A.I. first discovered that people can form online swarms that amplify intelligence just like natural swarms. Even better — people had fun while swarming, reporting feeling deeply connected to the group. So Unanimous built the UNU platform to bring that experience to everyone. Users can login, join an existing swarm, or form their own on any topic. For example, while watching a live political debate, swarms of users can decide in real-time which candidate is being truthful and which are spinning the facts. When following the market, swarms can predict the trends of interest rates, gold futures, or employment numbers.
Swarm Intelligence, the science behind UNU, goes back to the birds and the bees. In fact, it goes to all creatures that amplify their group intelligence by forming flocks, schools, colonies, herds, and swarms. Across countless species, nature show us that social groups — when working together as a unified dynamic system — can outperform the majority of individual members when solving problems and making decisions, proving the old adage: many minds are better than one.
Research have shown that human swarms consistently provide more accurate predictions than those given by individuals, or by polls and surveys. Earlier this year, Newsweek challenged UNU to predict the Academy Awards. UNU was able to tap into the collective intelligence of 55 regular movie fans, and out-performed the vast majority of experts, including Rolling Stone and the Los Angeles Times. And most recently, a reporter at TechRepublic used UNU to predict the Kentucky Derby by tapping the collective intelligence of 20 horse racing enthusiasts, UNU made a perfect pick, turning a $20 bet into $11,000.
“Already, thousands of people have used UNU to answer tens of thousands of questions, tapping their collective insights,” said Dr. Louis Rosenberg, founder and CEO of Unanimous A.I. “We–ve seen groups help each other manage their Fantasy sports teams, debate the nightly news, and even hold live caption contests with the winner is picked by the swarm. It–s been exciting to see all the applications people have come up with using UNU and this is just the beginning.”
For those interested in tapping into a swarm, visit: .
Unanimous A.I. develops technologies for Swarm Intelligence, unlocking the hidden brainpower inherent in groups of all sizes, while fostering collaboration and community. Unlike traditional A.I., which aims to replicate intelligence with bits and bytes, Unanimous– technologies keeps people in the loop, amplifying human intelligence rather than replacing it. For more information, visit or follow us on or .
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