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Shipping Rates Comparison Tool Multi Carrier Ecommerce Software Launched

The prominent XPS SHIP has announced a free web-based multi carrier ecommerce shipping software tailored to help clients save time and money by taking advantage of simple, efficient and complete e-commerce integration and the lowest shipping rates offered by the major carriers.

More information is available at [http://www.xpsship.com](http://xpsship.com)

XPSs web-based multi channel shipping software was developed to help clients simplify the shipping process and reduce costs by easily browsing, comparing and taking advantage of the benefits of discounted USPS priority mail rates, and the ability to process shipments thru FedEx, UPS and DHL and more, through one shipping platform with no user fees.

The software provides seamless integration with all shopping carts, marketplaces and e-commerce store platforms like Etsy, Amazon, EBay, Shopify or Magento, to ship the orders from a single platform. Multi-carrier label printing from one platform, automated real time order retrieval or quick import features, and more, are also available to help simplify and expedite the shipping process.

A rate comparison tool is also provided to help its clients efficiently find the lowest domestic or cheapest international shipping rates available without paying any user fees to ensure significant shipping cost reductions for clients and their businesses.

In addition, the free web based shipping platform operates from the cloud, requiring no installation or software downloads, and is covered by dedicated live customer support along with real time order tracking information, email confirmations or status updates.

A no obligation demo of the free multi carrier e-commerce shipping platform and more information on its broad range of ecommerce and shipping partners or valuable cost/time-effective features can be requested and consulted on the website link provided above.

XPS SHIP explains that œour multi carrier shipping solution can seamlessly integrate with your ecommerce stores, quickly extract incoming orders from multiple channels and let you browse and compare discounted shipping rates from multiple carriers, putting the focus back on your business to let XPS save you time, money and headaches”.

The business adds that œwere always looking out for your bottom line. Our software is completely free with no user fees and with live customer service, you know youll be getting the best shipping rates available on USPS or international shipments and youll understand why out client prefer us”.

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