Picture And Video Slideshow Maker With Music For Mac & Windows Software Released

The product creator Anthony Aires and JV manager Pat Flanagan have announced the launch of Video Spinn, an innovative desktop app allowing users to combine images and/or video clips to create hundreds or thousands of unique videos in a simple and time/cost-effective manner.

More information can be requested at http://letsgolook.at/VideoSpinn.

Video Spinn is a prominent desktop software, for both Windows and Mac, developed to simplify and expedite premier unique video production by providing users with the opportunity to create hundreds or thousands of randomized slideshow videos using images and/or video clips with a few mouse clicks.

To create the unique randomized videos, users of the Video Spinn software select a folder of content and choose the amount of images/video clips to be used in each randomized slideshow video along with the minimum and maximum time for each image/video clip to be shown.

In addition, specific intro and/or outro images or clips for the slideshows along with transitions, optimal watermarks and a folder from where to pull random tracks for background music can also be designated by the app users before indicating how many unique randomized videos the should be produced.

The creators of software, Anthony Aires and Pat Flanagan, explain that œVideo Spinn is an amazing time-saving app that lets you combine any selection of images and/or clips into unique videos quickly and easily. It–s so simple¦ With just a few clicks, Video Spinn can start chugging out hundreds or thousands of unique randomized videos”.

They add that œthis unique videos software is perfect for Search Engine Optimization, YouTube domination, offline client commercials, video personalization, affiliate marketing via video, video branding, keyword targeting, and more! We–re finding new uses every day”.

More information and notifications on the four-day power launch prepared by the creators of the innovative video creation app, starting on Tuesday, May 17th, can be requested on the website link provided above.

Details on how to sign up and take advantage of multiple unique and valuable affiliate opportunities and prizes made available throughout the three content and training upsell phases of the Video Spinn software, can also be consulted at http://muncheye.com/anthony-aires-video-spinn.

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