ViaSENS Home Controller from Seluxit speaks Z-Wave

The controller collects data on all devices within the home control network equipped with radio sensors such as light switches and dimmers, thermostats and power meters. The sensors, developed by Seluxit using Z-Wave wireless technology, will measure values such as temperature, air humidity, brightness, movements, power consumption, or charge capacities. The software accompanying the controller processes the read-out values and displays the status of each device on a clear and intuitive graphical software interface. The values are edited in the form of graphs and diagrams. The combination of the Seluxit ViaSens Home Controller, sensors, and software provides for installing, configuring, and tracking a complete Z-Wave mesh network of wireless home control

Z-Wave: Strong growth in Europe
The ViaSens Home Controller broadens the European Z-Wave market with an important product category, energy management. Seluxit is part of the Z-Wave Alliance, a consortium of 160 companies world-wide dedicated to establishing Z-Wave as the standard for wireless home control and automation. As part of the Alliance, Seluxit is committed to continuing to develop devices using the Z-Wave standard making them compatible with the over 170 products based on Z-Wave.currently available.

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