European and Asian operators look to emulate T-Mobile’s Binge On success

Mobile operators are turning to Openwave Mobility to monetize their video offerings

REDWOOD CITY, Calif – April 7, 2016 – A growing number of European and Asian mobile operators have engaged Openwave Mobility, a software innovator enabling operators to manage and monetize encrypted mobile data, to explore how they can utilize optimization technologies to introduce highly competitive video packages. This trend follows the recent launch of T-Mobile USA’s Binge On plan. A number of carriers are now looking for solutions that can go beyond simply streaming video.

To help mobile operators realize the benefits of launching plans such as this and which could include services such as video, music and gaming, Openwave Mobility has developed a data-monetization calculator which can take into account different factors and market conditions to demonstrate the business case for deploying optimization technology for a range of services to boost revenues and reduce network loads.

Simultaneously Openwave Mobility has streamlined the onboarding and integration process for operators launching new video services. Its NFV-enabled solutions provide full coverage straight-out-of-the-box with Quality of Experience (QoE) automatically maintained. This empowers mobile operators to forge partnerships with Over The Top (OTT) providers and quickly launch new innovative services and secure new revenue streams.

Openwave Mobility was the first in the industry to launch HTTPS video detection heuristics to maximize video QoE for subscribers and the company’s mobile data management solutions can lower bitrates by as much as 40% for streaming services. Carriers can also manage network utilization via an enhanced real-time video MOS (Mean Opinion Score) system to maintain consistent video QoE.

“There are strategies mobile operators can adopt to go beyond what Binge On has achieved so far” said John Giere, President& CEO of Openwave Mobility. “They can increase ARPU by 10% and attract new subscribers with innovative plans. Best of all, they can deliver outstanding quality and still lessen the load on their network.”

John Giere continued: “Our technology empowers operators to call the shots. They can agree with OTT providers what content can be zero-rated and under what conditions. It is your network – take control.”

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