Stephanie Knight Realtor Announces New Mobile App

Wyckoff, NJ April 6, 2016 – [Stephanie Knight Realtor]( announces that a new Android mobile app is available for downloading and will keep Stephanie Knight–s customers updated with the latest real estate information and home marketing updates. All customers of Stephanie Knight can now receive instant notifications of homes for sale and selling ideas.

Stephanie Knight, a sales associate with the Weichert, Realtors„¢ Wyckoff office, said, œThis was specifically held back to announce during our spring market. I wanted to give my clients something extra this year to make it easy to find new home ideas and specific information to meet their real estate needs. I worked hard this year to complete this project and the timing is just perfect to coincide with our 2016 spring market.” Stephanie Knight went on to say, œIf you don–t want to miss out on the latest in new home sales, financing or marketing techniques to sell your home then this will be an ideal tool to help you. It couldn–t be any easier to download and install.” Download access is available from the Stephanie Knight website and from the Google Play and Amazon Apps websites as well.”

Stephanie went on to say, œWhile my mobile app currently is only designed for Android phones, tablets and laptops, we are working on expanding to include Apple products. When it comes to offering systems to help my customers have the best experience home shopping with me, I am always finding ways to top myself and this year isn–t any exception with the new mobile app I am introducing.” Last year, Stephanie Knight introduced the mobile app œList and Sell Fast” which is also available on Google Play.

The 2016 spring market is starting off with a bang. Stephanie has had a phenomenal January and February with residential home sales. Stephanie thrives on helping clients put winning offers together to make new home dreams come true. Stephanie Knight has built her reputation on integrity and always meeting a customer–s highest xpectations. The Homes For Sale in Wyckoff NJ website has full details about downloading the new mobile app.

œWhile I still have a –real estate is local– approach with hyper-local information about the neighborhood, visitors can now browse local real estate market stats, research the lifestyle of the neighborhood and create a property search to satisfy their need for information at,” Stephanie Knight went on to say.

The website will offer residential and commercial information for the following markets served by Stephanie Knight: Wyckoff, Franklin Lakes, Mahwah, Oakland, Midland Park, North Haledon, Ramsey, Ridgewood, Saddle River, Waldwick and Fairlawn.

About Stephanie Knight Realtor

Prior to becoming a Realtor, Stephanie had 18 years experience as a successful small business owner providing service to some of the nation–s largest home builders, operating in New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Coming from a family in home building and real estate it has been an inspiration and a natural transition to become a licensed broker and real estate instructor.

Stephanie measures success through her clients– satisfaction and is committed to the premise that the definition of success is a clients– successful real estate transaction. Providing sound and trustworthy advice to help clients achieve successful real estate outcomes is a personal goal.

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