John Rhodes Juggernaut Wake Up Book Launched

Author John S Rhodes has launched his eighth Kindle ebook, Juggernaut Wake Up, a 22-page time management, self-help book ideal for business folk and busy people on Amazon. For more information, visit the following website:

Rhodes, author of seven previous business and self-help ebooks, promises Juggernaut Wake Up will give readers the superhuman ability to wake up every day œlike it–s your birthday!”. Filled with useful tips, advice and action plans, the easy to read ebook, only 22 pages long, is set to help make readers– have a œgreat” day every day.

The new ebook by Rhodes shows readers how to get up every morning with energy, power and excitement, be so motivated that they–ll œjump out of bed happy and own the day”, taking control of their lives.

The author, who says he used to be œslow and sluggish in a foggy and gray world”, has managed to turn this aspect of his life around, saying that he can now be creative and productive for hours and hours, get everything done in a day that he sets out to do, and still has plenty of energy left afterwards. He shares his methods of achieving this with Juggernaut Wake Up; the result of research into several studies and habits of successful people.

In the new book Rhodes talks about starting off his day in the right way and waking up productive. He–s structured his life that way, forming a habitual pattern through scheduling free time, working hard and enjoying what he does whilst waking up with energy and a good perspective. He explains structure and having a specific, methodical morning routine.

To help form this pattern for his new book the author looked at scientific research, studied successful people and mentors he knows over time, noting all have good and healthy, communicative relationships with their families and friends, but also notes that the research psychology works differently from person to person. He also credits author Hal Elrod–s book The Not So Obvious Secret “ Guaranteed To Change Your Life Before 8am as inspiration for Juggernaut.

Specifically for achieving his own daily routine, Rhodes talks about creating a monthly matrix; with an X axis for each month, divided into days, and a Y axis for listing personal daily habits, including items such as brushing teeth, stretching, drink a glass of water, meditation, reading personal affirmations, and so on. On his to-do list he also includes handwritten notes to someone each day expressing positivity, gratitude or motivation.

He says following an automatic, habitual routine gathers momentum, and the time he spends meditating, followed by allocated time for affirmations, he finds very powerful; it–s repetitive and builds habitual purpose whilst programming the mind. He visualizes how he wants his day to play out and says his mind is energized because of it. He even wakes up without an alarm clock.

Juggernaut Wake Up Kindle edition from Amazon comes with a free bonus instant download and free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet. Rhodes has also uploaded a video on his Google+ page discussing the new book.

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