â‹USGFX launches Weekly Forex Forecast on China Central TV

The USGFX segment appears on the CCTV Economy & Finance network, which is very highly regarded by investors and traders and is considered the authority in the area of financial news and world markets.

The [USGFX Weekly Forex Forecast](https://www.usgfx.com) is delivered by the company–s Australian analyst and provides traders with a weekly breakdown of the key economic events that are likely to present trading opportunities in the week ahead.

The segment runs for 5 minutes and is considered by many viewers to be a valuable and easy-to-understand briefing of the key events to keep a watch on.

USGFX Chinese Marketing Manager, Ms. Stacey Lee said, “The partnership of USGFX with CCTV was an extremely good way for USGFX to provide a great service not only to its clients but also the general public interested to learn about the forex markets and stay updated.”

œCCTV has given USGFX an excellent platform to provide a free service to people who are keen to learn about the forex markets and even forex trading. Our segment provides a short and concise overview of the economic data that could affect the major currencies in the week ahead. It–s a great way to plan for the week and stay informed” said Ms. Lee.

The USGFX Weekly Forex Forecast airs on CCTV on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30pm in China and is also available to view from the USGFX website thereafter.

CCTV News, which is 24-hour English news channel of China Central Television can be seen in more than 85 million homes across more than 100 countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia and Europe.

CCTV is the largest broadcaster not only in China but also the world, with a reach of over 1.2 billion people.


[USGFX](https://www.usgfx.com) is an ASIC regulated FX and CFD broker headquartered in Sydney, Australia and offers a world class trading experience.

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