Hurricane Wind Power and Synthesis Redefine US Solar Market Excluding China

Hurricane Wind Power in partnership Synthesis Solar Panels, Anthony Jones announces it has surpassed the 2000 Mega Watts Installed milestone for users of its Solar Energy Modules. In celebration of this major event, Anthony Jones announced the company has celebrated this milestone with plans to bring a “revolution” and change the landscape of the solar module market.The Synthesis panels have become known for their low light output among customers as well as those in search of a quality made module that are looking for solar renewable energy solution alternative to the Chinese “dumped” modules which have dominated the market.

Details can be found on the website:

Hurricane Wind Power Synthesis Solar Panels has attracted users who are interested in a product that offers High efficiency Italian made solar modules. The continued popularity has spawned several innovations, including 25 year warranty and plus side power output guarantee which essentially ensures the buyer all of the rated power per module and exceptions low light power output.

Anthony Jones, CEO, has been extremely excited by the growing momentum of Hurricane Wind Power Synthesis Solar Panels and upon reaching this milestone, had this to say about the Solar energy modules:

“Hurricane Wind Power has worked with Synthesis Power to distribute a solar module that has become a favorite among solar installers. It has been encouraging to see how our customers and partners have responded to the high quality Italian made solar module in the market. To the consumers who have made the growth of our line it has been a driving force in continuing distribution installation and innovation of the line of solar panels.”

“Recent trade tariff decisions have imposed taxes on the Chinese imported modules due to their practices of “dumping” on the United States market. Ironically these modules dumped at below fair market value have accounted for not only the loss of many high technology jobs in the United States over the past several years but have been compounded their use in Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) monies spent. The tax credit legislation was originally intended to grow the American solar manufacturing jobs sector.” With the recognition of failed energy policies it has been a driving force for many of our customers and partners to seek alternatives to the companies and practices which originally led to the closing of many American solar manufacturing companies. A further discussion on this topic can be seen at the article [Solar Panels Clean Energy Dirty Money](

People looking for a new Solar Energy Modules are encouraged to take a look at the Hurricane Wind Power Synthesis Solar Panels website at

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