Tiller Launches New Auditing Site to Help Publishers Beat Ad Blockers

PHILADELPHIA, PA — (Marketwired) — 03/14/16 — Publishers are no longer at the mercy of ad blockers thanks to , a site launched today to highlight exactly which source-code fragments ad blockers such as Adblock Plus are blocking. A free PDF offers administrators a number of helpful tips on changing source code in order to stay ahead of the ad blockers and preserve revenue potential.

The threat posed by ad blocking has only grown in recent months. Adobe and PageFair estimated that it would cause U.S. publishers to lose as much as $20.3 billion by the end of 2016. Publishers of all sizes have watched the revenue that supports their sites shrink steadily, threatening many business models and challenging them to seek mitigating solutions. Tech-savvy young men are among the earliest adopters of such software, so their preferred sites have taken the earliest and hardest hits from the phenomenon.

Visitors to are invited to enter the URL they want to test, followed by their email address. At that point they see, within seconds, how many paths, classes, IDs and other selectors are vulnerable to ad blockers. Visitors have the option to receive a PDF in their inbox that recommends specific steps that can improve their sites– ad exposure and, therefore, revenue.

“We want publishers to have a fighting chance,” said Tiller CEO Stephen Gill. “That starts with information. Publishers who want to know what–s making their sites so vulnerable to ad blocking can now find out quickly, for free. Once they–ve made adjustments, they can test their sites again in seconds to see if the changes worked.”

This story appeared first in , and you can find a fuller description of BlockBust on .

Tiller is the leading advertising platform for publishers who want to take control of their native advertising placements. Our powerful technology empowers publishers to manage, measure, and optimize recommended content ad units across providers — with ease. By analyzing hundreds of factors like performance, location, device, user agent, and ad viewability, Tiller–s sophisticated machine learning can determine the best ad for every single impression. To learn why premium publishers are using Tiller to take their native and recommended content advertising to the next level, visit us at .

Bill Brazell


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