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camLine launched Version 6.1 of Engineering Statistics Software Cornerstone

camLine, as the provider of software solutions for manufacturing excellence now offers the new version 6.1 of Cornerstone. The application allows engineers to solve Design of Experiment and Data Analysis tasks efficiently with a practical and straightforward statistics based approach. Its capabilities range from analytical areas such as statistics for engineering to Design of Experiments (DoE) and Exploratory Data Analysis.
For the Design of Experiments, version 6.1 comes with the new design and basic model types ?Definitive Screening? and ?Linear+?. You will find categorical factors and constraints available in Space Filling Designs and have quick access to main DoE working steps. The application offers multiple improvements in the details and its performance. Drag & Drop is extended to Microsoft Excel files. 3D, Tile Map graphs, and interactive graphic tools got additional features. And, last but not least, your work will be facilitated by efficient dialogues to open and save files and to exchange data.
To learn more about Cornerstone version 6.1, please visit

camLine (www.camLine.com) provides and markets software solutions for manufacturing exellence in high-tech manufacturing industries. camLine?s industrial automation systems are based on MES modules of the product suite LineWorks for high-volume productions. In addition, camLine customers have also implemented LineWorks as their Manufacturing Execution System (MES). For small and medium enterprises (SME?s), camLine offers all-in-one solutions that are built on InFrame Synapse. Numerous installations are present in the semiconductor, electronics, solar, and medical industries. Due to the general approach, camLine addresses discrete, continuous, and mixed forms of manufacturing. These industry-specific deployments focus on advanced strategies to improve process quality and process security, executive manufacturing logistics, and manufacturing efficiency. The software XperiDesk is a new camLine brand that aims at streamlining technology development and provides pioneering cooperation opportunities of R&D with the production. The application Cornerstone is a camLine brand that enables engineers to explore and analyze data (EDA) as well as plan and execute the design of experiments (DoE). camLine as a solution partner, has been offering its software and services globally for more than 25 years. For more information, please visit http://www.camline.com

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