Gettysburg Civil War Era Magic Show & Dinner Theater In Fairfield Inn Exclusive

Actor, professional storyteller, author and entertainer Professor Joseph Kerrigan brings tales from the Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Civil War Era to life with a unique combination of live dinner theater and magic performances, exclusively to the Historic Fairfield Inn, on Friday and Saturday evenings.

Bookings are essential. For more information, visit the website:

Professor Kerrigan is a Civil War Era magician, specializing in Civil War Era magic which he features in his live dinner theater performance, –Civil War Era Dinner Theater–, performed in close-up and parlor formats to engage personally with his audience.

The one-of-a kind, one man, two-hour show combines entertainment with a little history and education, includes information about the Civil War, but in a interesting way as opposed to simply presenting historical information. Professor Kerrigan performs magic tricks popular during the time of the Civil War Era as well as narrating ghost stories and performing a theatrical recreation (only) of a Civil War Era sĀ©ance, leaving some diners convinced they experienced the supernatural.

Professor Kerrigan explains that Gettysburg is considered acre per acre one of the most haunted places in America, due to the large number of deaths during the Civil War Era, where people lost so many family members and loved ones at a phenomenal rate, hence seances became immensely popular as they believed they could communicate with their deceased loved ones.

Professor Kerrigan has also published a series of books, the Ghostly Tales Of Gettysburg, (also recorded on CD), based on published eyewitness accounts such has hauntings on the battlefield and in various historic buildings. He conducts ambient, fireside readings from these books by candlelight and in character as a period –old timer–.

The dinner theater performances which take place at the iconic Historic Fairfield Inn, are via reservations only, for Friday and Saturday evenings at 6pm. The dinner provided by the venue includes an all-inclusive three course meal with dessert, taxes and gratuities. Popular with families, new pricing has been released for the Civil War Era Dinner Theater show and dining package: for adults and kids aged 12 and over the price per person is $49.95 and for kids under 12 it–s $29.95 per head.

The venue itself, built in 1757, is an inn, tavern and B&B and one of America–s oldest continuing service inns, with the original fireplace still in use. During its history it served as a Confederate Civil War hospital and had an underground railway stop, still visible today. Patrons continue the old tradition of leaving coins in the walls to this day, which commenced when the original fountain was covered up. The owners collect them each year to donate to the Salvation Army.

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