Are databases part of Agile? The new partnership between Redgate and DevOpsGuys points the way

Cambridge UK, 7 March 2016 – DevOpsGuys, the Cardiff-based company that builds, deploys, and manages enterprise-scale web applications for blue-chip companies and the public sector, has become Redgate Software’s first Certified Partner in the UK. The move brings advantages for both businesses, with DevOpsGuys given the support and expertise to enable them to include the database in Agile processes like continuous delivery.

With a growing roster of clients including ASOS, BAE Systems, the Government, and Fitness First, DevOpsGuys is gaining a reputation for delivering practical engineering solutions which revolutionize the way businesses work. Typically called on to improve software delivery processes, speed deployments, and reduce both cost and risk, DevOpsGuys are experts in improving IT performance using DevOps practices.

Redgate, meanwhile, makes the world–s most trusted tools for shipping changes to enterprise databases. The tools are technically challenging to make, but intuitive to use – a philosophy Redgate calls ingeniously simple. As a direct result, the company has more than 650,000 users worldwide and 91% of the Fortune 100 use Redgate software.

DevOpsGuys joins other noted software consultancies like Northwest Cadence in the USA and GDS Business Intelligence in Germany in becoming a Redgate Certified Partner.

Certified Partners are given inside knowledge of Redgate’s products, training in advanced deployments, and expert advice and support so that they can offer a premium service to their own clients. As James Smith, CEO of DevOpsGuys, says: “We’re on the inside track, if you like. We can talk directly to the people creating the software we’re recommending to clients. It’s a big advantage because if we have an issue, we can resolve it with one phone call.”

The relationship works for clients as well. DevOpsGuys were recently shortlisted by private gym chain, Fitness First, to introduce a standardized IT infrastructure to make software delivery faster, reduce errors, and cut costs. As Smith continues: “Our close working relationship with a key vendor like Redgate demonstrated our capability far better than a PowerPoint slide. It was evidence of our commitment to industry-leading standards and helped us win the business.”

Redgate’s Database Lifecycle Management (DLM) products were included in the solution to source control database development and automate database deployments for Fitness First. As a direct result, it is now quick and simple for the gym chain to copy databases into new environments – something that was extremely difficult and time-consuming before.

DevOpsGuys are now organizing a series of training workshops in London UK to teach developers and DBAs best practice for database source control, database continuous integration, and automated database deployment using Redgate tools.

As Smith concludes: “Redgate have a portfolio of world-leading database products that make continuous delivery for the database a reality. The big thing for clients is understanding how they can work alongside tools for application development, and what new Agile processes need to be adopted to make it possible. That’s where we come in.”

As part of Redgate’s ongoing commitment to DLM and continuous delivery for databases, DevOpsGuys will be joined in the future by further Certified Partners in the UK as well as America, Europe, and Australasia.

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