TrapX Announces the Release of DeceptionTokens and Advanced IR Server

SAN MATEO, CA — (Marketwired) — 03/01/16 — , a global leader in dynamic deception operations and advanced cyber security defense, today announced that it has released DeceptionTokens. The addition of DeceptionTokens significantly expands the depth and breadth of DeceptionGrid platform capabilities by integrating an array of lures within existing IT endpoints and servers. This addition complements the current DeceptionGrid platform, which deploys and surrounds real IT resources with emulated or fake IT assets. This multi-layered deception approach creates an integrated array of lures and decoys designed to expose, divert and confuse cyber adversaries at various phases of the attack. This powerful combination further reduces time to breach detection, authoritatively identifies attackers within networks, and enables security operations center teams to aggressively defend the enterprise.

TrapX has also released the Advanced IR (AIR) server, which extends and automates incident response, allowing security teams to quickly move from detection of a threat to effective response. Upon notification of a security event, the Advanced IR server obtains a full memory snapshot as well as any forensic artifacts of the potentially compromised endpoints, and performs a comprehensive automated memory analysis. The server then delivers the results and detailed forensics directly to the SOC team, which is now empowered with the necessary critical data to meet and defeat the threat.

TrapX leverage advanced cyber techniques, tactics and procedures (TTPs) to lure sophisticated attackers into the DeceptionGrid platform. This expansion of diversion operations capabilities represents a critical new component in DeceptionGrid. By extending lightweight, easy-to-deploy, agentless DeceptionTokens onto real world IT assets, enterprises can now quickly identify compromised endpoints before attackers can obtain a persistent foothold in the network.

“The addition of DeceptionTokens and the Advanced IR server clearly raises the bar across the deception space,” said Greg Enriquez, CEO of TrapX Security. “We now deliver, by far, the broadest, most comprehensive set of capabilities for deception technologies. The implications of this expanded architecture will have a significant benefit in industries such as finance, healthcare and retail. Our agentless deception-token technology allows the placement of these lures within complex turnkey systems such as medical devices, ATM machines and point-of-sale terminals. Now we can blanket almost all of the devices within a hospital or financial network with deep deployment of deception capabilities to confuse, divert and identify attackers before they can steal data or disrupt normal operations.

“These attackers have already penetrated existing cyber defenses,” Enriquez continued. “Now, once the attackers are inside, enterprises have the hunting capability to detect them rapidly, deceive them away from real and valuable resources and finally defeat them, resulting in a rapid return to normal operations.”

TrapX Security, DeceptionGrid and DeceptionTokens are trademarks of TrapX Security, Inc.

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TrapX Security is a leader in dynamic deception operations. Our deception-based solutions rapidly detect, analyze and defend against new zero day and APT attacks in real-time. DeceptionGrid provides automated, highly accurate insight into malware and malicious activity unseen by other types of cyber defense. We enable a pro-active security posture, fundamentally changing the economics of cyber defense by shifting the cost to the attacker. The TrapX Security customer base includes global 2000 commercial and government customers around the world in sectors including defense, healthcare, finance, energy, consumer products and other key industries. Learn more at .

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