Testing properly – Testing what matters: Call for papers for Software-QS-Tag 2016 is out now

In altogether more than 50 lectures, workshops, tutorials and scientific research reports, the conference presents and discusses what’s important in order to deal with quality assurance and testing correctly and check the decisive factors. Contributions about strategies, techniques, tools and best practices are sought. The topic areas will be requirements, architecture and code, quality and management as well as team skills.
Applications can be sent till 27th May 2016. The presentations can be submitted and held in German or English. This year, for the first time ever, the Software-QS-Tag best paper award is distributed. The assessment takes into account the quality of content, depth and novelty of the contributions and the papers as well as the feedback of the conference participants about the quality of the speeches and presentations.
The Software-QS-Tag takes place in Nuremberg on 3rd and 4th November 2016. It has established itself as leading conference for software quality assurance and testing in Germany. Every time with a new challenging key issue running like a golden thread through all slots of the conference.

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