ThinPrint Receives European Patent for Mobile Print System

This patented technology is used with Cortado Enterprise Solutions ( and Cortado Online Services ( Cortado is the division of ThinPrint specializing in mobile solutions. The ThinPrint technology supports BlackBerry, Nokia, and Windows Mobile devices and allows documents to be printed to any printer via infrared or Bluetooth.

“In the beginning, it was an even bet on which approach would prevail technologically: the development of local print systems for each end device, or our server-based approach, which can be used with almost every mobile device and also supports all current printer models,” says Carsten Mickeleit, Managing Director at ThinPrint GmbH. ” The fact that local systems have so far remained very limited clearly demonstrates that our server-based method was the right one, as our customer base shows So we-re delighted that ThinPrint has now been recognized as the inventor and legitimate owner of the mobile server-based print system. The patent is an important component of our strategic patent portfolio and, at the same time, a recognition of our large investments in research and development.”

More information about ThinPrint-s patent portfolio at

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