capeIT brings VMware integration and further functional extensions for OTRS

Chemnitz, 28th January 2016 – c.a.p.e. IT GmbH, that is specialized in IT and technical service management, extends the range of additional solutions for the Open Ticket Request System (OTRS) again. From now, it–s possible to get information about virtual environments into the servicedesk. capeIT–s module for integration of inventory tools has been extended with the „Vmware-Backend“, which enables a native integration of vCenter by VMware. More than 2,000 values can be read from the objects Data Center, Cluster, Data Store, Host and VM. The defined values will be taken over into the OTRS-CMDB automatically. Crucial is the extension of the existing class definition and config item definition. Due to the use of capeIT–s community module „ITSM-CIAttributeCollection“, the mapping of relations between the config items within the CMDB takes place automatically.

A new version of the module „KPI-Dashboard“ brings a directly integrated, simple analysis of praxis-relevant KPI in the service management system. The relevant data for the management board or support customers can be set up graphically on-the-fly. The user can sort data according to different criteria, among all time frame, queues, services. The new feature is the graphical view in Pivot charts of Microsoft Excel and directly in the web browser.

A crucial functional extension of the capeIT–s module „Kanban-Board“ is available with the new release of the module. The main focus of the module is the task management according the proceeding state and organisation structure. Now, the dispatcher can set individual kanban profiles and share them with the service agents. Therefore, time for configuration of needed profiles can be reduced and the service agents can subscribe team-relevant views.

All three described modules are available for OTRS 4 or higher. The use of the worldwide biggest community module KIX4OTRS is required (version 7.1 or higher). cape IT offers the modules within a yearly-based module maintenance contracts which include software maintenance, software updates and further development of the software. The amount of service agents or registered customers is not relevant for the maintenance cost. Support can be commissioned additionally.

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