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TechNexion offers PICO-i.MX6UL System-on-Module for Google Brillo OS

New Taipei City, 27.Oktober 2015 – TechNexion offers PICO-i.MX6UL System-on-Module for Google Brillo OS

Today Google announced an extension of access to their Brillo operating system and Weave communication platform to their broader developer community.

TechNexion provides with the PICO-IMX6UL System-on-Module (SoM) the fitting hardware for this new operating system. The PICO Module is equipped with a NXP i.MX6 UltraLite Processor and is a very compact, ubiquitous computing, high performance SoM that are highly optimized for mobile Internet of Things applications. Connectivity is given by Gigabit Ethernet, WiFi (802.11ac) and Bluetooth 4.0. Using a pin-compatible scalable platform that not only utilizes the “Edison” connector, but provide connectivity for sensors and low-speed I/O and also adds additional expansion possibilities for multimedia and connectivity makes it perfect for a variety of projects.

Additionally the “DWARF” platform eases proto-typing and accelerates time to market by offering a complete platform; introducing a large number of ready to use sensors like 3d-Accelerator, Gyroscope or Altitude-meter and available I/O’s to take advantage of todays’ technology and communication challenges, giving our customers’ cutting edge technology that can easily be expanded and implemented into Industry 4.0 applications. The schematics are freely available for the DWARF Carrier board.

Brillo is a lightweight OS for connected devices with a small Footprint, based on Android, offering you core services, developer kit’s and a developer console for an easy and quick start. Brillo is open source, and therefor can be easily extended by Engineers. Brillo uses Weave to allow easy communication with other Brillo devices or the cloud. With Brillo you can easily bring your devices to the cloud. Gather all the data and get the insights you need to make your application more stable and successful.

PICO-IMX6UL is now available as samples and will be in mass production in a few weeks. At TechNexion we keep working to make Customers life more convenient.

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