The 2015 James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Reauthorization Act Passes

Parker Waichman LLP, a national law firm that has spent many years fighting to ensure that the first responders and survivors of the 9/11 terrorist attacks are never forgotten notes that the original Zadroga Act passed just prior to year-end 2010. While the 2010 Act was not everything that Ground Zero responders, survivors, and advocates had hoped for, it was seen as a victory and was believed to be the start of more measures to permanently extend benefits. Sadly, Congress allowed one of the two programs to expire this year; specifically, the program that provides medical treatment to survivors: The World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program. The program was running on cash reserves until benefits ended entirely, while the second program”the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF)”was scheduled to expire in October 2016 if Congress did not take action. With more than 33,000 sick responders dependent on the program for medical treatment, another 70,000 being monitored, and sick responders and survivors living in every state and in 433 of the 435 Congressional districts, immediate action was needed.

According to Parker Waichman, the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act is named after a deceased New York Police Department (NYPD) detective who worked at Ground Zero. In the years following the attacks, researchers determined that the thick plume of dust and debris that followed the collapse of the World Trade Center towers contained a toxic mix of compounds including asbestos, lead, pulverized cement, jet fuel, and other chemicals. Many rescue and recovery workers and survivors exposed to the toxins have since been diagnosed with various illnesses, including asthma, obstructive pulmonary disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and over 50 types of cancer. Tragically, many have succumbed to their illnesses in the years since the attacks. In fact, at least 4,166 cancer diagnoses have been linked to exposure to the toxic cloud that hovered over Manhattan; the number of cases is likely to increase.

The original Zadroga Act was approved after years of intense negotiations. Finally, concerns over the Act–s cost led to a final version that was significantly smaller in scope than what was first conceived: A 10-year, $7.4 billion treatment and compensation package. To get the measure past Senate Republicans, the Act was reduced by about half: Five years at $4.3 billion. The final version provided $1.8 billion over the next five years to monitor and treat injuries and set aside $2.5 billion to reopen the September 11th VCF for five years to provide payment for job and economic losses. Attorney–s fees would be capped at 10 percent and responders who accepted the World Trade Center Toxic Dust Settlement were prohibited from œdouble-dipping.”

Among the many lobbyists who fought for passage of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Reauthorization Act, Parker Waichman is proud to have been involved. Matthew J. McCauley, Senior Litigation Counsel at Parker Waichman and a 9/11 New York Police Department (NYPD) first responder lobbied, rallied, was part of delegations, and visited more than 50 Congressional offices said, œI am lucky enough to be a healthy 9/11 first responder but I represent over 600 other 9/11 first responders who are sick or who have already died. Seeing this bill pass gives us hope that these responders and survivors will receive the care they deserve.” Discussing his work to help in passage of the bill, Mr. McCauley said, œThere–s a big difference between not being against something and taking action to support it.” The firm also assisted with the research on, and creation of, the œTake Acton” tool that enabled citizens to review Congressional members– activities concerning the Act.

The firm is also delighted to announce other Zadroga-related news. Parker Waichman just received a substantial award on behalf of one of its clients. Tragically, the client died; however, his widow–s house was about to go into foreclosure when Mr. McCauley telephoned her with today–s news. œShe was crying so much she was unable to speak.” Mr. McCauley was typically in attendance with ailing survivors, responders, and their families; New York City Council members; U.S. Representatives and Senators; John Feal of the advocacy, the Fealgood Foundation; Ben Chevat, Executive Director of Citizens for Extension of the James Zadroga Act, Inc.; Jon Stewart; former host of œThe Daily Show,” Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America; 9/11 Fire Department of New York (FDNY) first responder, Ray Pfeifer; and Richard Alles, Fire Department of the FDNY and Uniformed Fire Officers Association legislative director.

The firm is proud to have fought alongside Ground Zero first responders, survivors, and advocates, to help ensure passage of Zadroga Act amendments, and vows to continue its efforts to safeguard these heroes and ensure that all of the deserved Zadroga Act compensation is received. To determine eligibility for compensation under the Act, or for assistance with a claim, please visit [Parker Waichman–s website]( or call 1-800-LAW-INFO (1-800-529-4636).

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