Telecoms Professionals Plan Their Travel Using the 2016 Event Calendar on Wireless&Mobile Technologies

wi360 has just released an Event Calendar for 2016 targeted at professionals who work in fields covering mobile & wireless technologies.
Over 300 upcoming events are currently scheduled for 2016. The list of wireless technology events at wi360 is growing day by day, as the event calendar is crowd-sourced and users can enter their events online at wi360 within minutes.
All events are tagged by event type, industry sector and country so as to easily extract relevant events from the guide according to the interest profile of any visitor. For example, a professional working in the field of vehicle-to-vehicle wireless communications (V2V) for connected cars in Germany can quickly find conferences, trade shows, seminars, webinars and other virtual events using wi360–s Event Guide at by clicking on a corresponding top-level category or searching by keywords.
“Search engine results will often serve up several events based on keywords entered, however the full spectrum of event opportunities remains alarmingly incomplete, delivering a distorted picture when trying to find specialist conferences or other events on wireless and mobile topics” notes wi360–s founder Niels Kellerhoff. “The wi360 Event Guide alleviates this situation in a simple way.”
Organisers of telecoms technology events can submit their conference or expo at no charge online. Visitors who register with wi360 will receive email alerts on new events for only those mobile and wireless technology categories that matter to them. Event alerts received by email display key data about the event including the website of the event itself. Adiditionally, any event of interest can be auto-transferred as an appointment to a user–s calendar of choice such as Microsoft–s Outlook or Apple–s Calendar.
Some of the top-level categories covered in the event guide are 5G, connected car, mobile wallet, M2M and IoT, devices and wearables, enterprise mobility and many more.
No charges are incurred when using wi360–s event calendar to find events or when adding events of importance to the telecoms technology community. The event guide is maintained through company sponsorships thus establishing an unbiased and advertisement-free framework that matches the expectations of B2B professionals who need distilled information free of clutter.
A free sample of wi360–s Mobile & Wireless Event Calendar for selected categories can be requested at

wi360 tracks events and market intelligence on mobile/wireless infrastructure, devices, semiconductors, patents, and in verticals like 5G, M2M/IoT, mobile payments, LBS, the connected car and other emerging, high-growth segments.
Membership is free for all professionals who have a stake in the mobile/wireless ecosystem. Members may submit summaries on events and market research to wi360–s portal at no cost.

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